Friday, January 13, 2017

5 Ways Your Phone Can Help You Stay Active

Today we're going to talk about an awesome tool that can help you meet your health goals. This tool is so awesome that it fits in your pocket and is probably with you most of the time! It's a tool that you already know how to use - we're simply going to talk about new ways to use it. Pull out your phone and let's talk about how you can use it to be just a little more active every day.

I'm going to share my top five ways that your phone can help you stay active. If you have any to add, I'd love to hear about them in the comments below!

Set a Timer
You might not have used this feature before but it's often found with your clock and alarm settings. Use a timer to remind you of various health related tasks, including exercise, water intake, and eating frequently. Timers can be really handy if you have a desk job or get lost in your work easily. I like to set one as a reminder to get up and move when I'm blogging. Otherwise - I get lost in what I'm doing and forget that my body requires movement to stay happy.

Health Based Apps
I could do an entire post on the number of apps available to help you meet your goals. You can find ones that encourage you to drink more water. There are apps that turn your phone into a food diary. There are even apps that give you workouts on the go! All you have to do is a search for the type of app you're looking for and something is bound to come up!

Your phone can be a tool for accountability if you use it right. You can download an app that asks you to record your workouts. You can also set up an accountability system with a friend where you check in on each other throughout the day. A third way of turning it into an accountability helper is to set random alarms throughout the day with reminders like "Have you worked out yet?" or "Have you had a glass of water lately?"

In addition to the exercise apps that are available, you can also use your phone to stream workouts. If you have Beachbody on Demand, you can use your phone to access the extensive library of workouts. You can also use your phone to access workouts on YouTube or other streaming programs that you might use. (If you'd like more information about Beachbody on Demand - which is an awesome deal - simply get in touch with me on Facebook or Instagram. Talking to me and asking questions is always free!)

Get Organized
Use your phone to get organized. The calendar app can help you keep track of upcoming workouts and things that might get in the way of your goals. Your notes app can be used to make grocery lists or keep track of what's on your meal plan for the week. Then, there's always all of the apps we mentioned above that are geared towards keeping you organized and accountable with your goals.

Bonus Use
Use a picture of your goals or a motivating quote as a background photo. This will remind you of what you're working towards every time you use your phone.

Do you use your phone as a tool to help you stay on track with your goals? I'd love to hear your ideas and favorite apps in the comments below!

Don't forget to sign up for the weekly motivation newsletter that goes out on Mondays!

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