Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Importance of Mindset

They say taking the first step is the hardest part of your journey. For me, that just wasn't the case. The first step proved to be pretty easy. It was the continuation of the journey that proved to be the challenge. Looking back, I can completely relate this to the state of my mind at the time.

Yesterday, I shared my story of how I started with the Beachbody programs and failed right away. As it turns out, setting a goal of using fitness as a distraction isn't quite enough. Sometimes you need a bigger WHY to guide you to success.

Even though I gave up on PiYo and 21 Day Fix right after buying them, I didn't entirely give up. In fact, the two programs and those colored containers were at the back of my mind for quite a while. I believe it was around March when I decided I would give the programs another try. I was working full time and was often tired from my job so I chose to go with 21 Day Fix since all of the workouts are 30 minutes long.

This time, I decided to go in prepared for success. I browsed Pinterest for recipes, planned out my meals, and scheduled in my workouts. I also sat down at the beginning of each week and looked for any obstacles that might be in my way. I went in with a plan and determination to succeed.

This time, I didn't quit. I pushed through, made mistakes, and kept moving forward. The only thing I forgot to do was take before and after photos and statistics. As it turned out, I didn't need those for accountability though. For me, the end goal was less about seeing results and more about accomplishing something for myself. The change in lifestyle was proving enough success to keep me moving forward. I wasn't perfect with the plan, but I kept trying and that's what mattered in the end.

That was two years ago. This is a story of "where is she now?" that I'm sharing with you. Now, two years later, I'm pregnant with our first baby and feeling pretty good most days. I've remained active, even during pregnancy and my husband and I still meal plan together every week. My nutrition isn't one hundred percent on track right now (more on that later), but I would say our grocery list and kitchen rarely have majorly unhealthy foods on them. I'm looking forward to trying out Country Heat (click for a video) after our son is born - all I'm waiting for is the clearance to do so!

If you're struggling to be successful with something, I wanted to give you the chance to figure out why. So, I've prepared a few questions for you to consider as you reflect on your current and past attempts at achieving results with your health and fitness goals.

1. What is your why for the goals you've set?
2. What obstacles stand in your way? How can you prepare for these?
3. What have you tried before? What worked with it? What didn't work with it?

Answered these questions and still struggling? Feel free to reach out to me anytime so that we can chat!

What are your health goals for 2017? Do you have any mental blocks that you've overcome in the past or are working to overcome right now?
We're still in the middle of launch week around here! Don't forget that I've put together a launch week goodie pack filled with some of the health and fitness printables I've made over the past two years just for you. There are meal planners, trackers, goal setting worksheets, and even a coloring page included in this pack. So, before you go, don't forget to grab your launch week goodie pack!

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