When I found out I was pregnant, the last thing on my mind was how I would handle the changes that would take place in my body. In fact, I've never had major body image problems so I thought pregnancy would be the same way. Turns out, I was quite wrong. Between the hormones and your ever changing shape, it's really easy to find things to hate about your pregnant body. In case you need a reminder (I sometimes do), there are many things to love about your pregnant body.
I've seen the memes and read the quotes about loving your pregnant and postpartum body, but it's a whole different ballpark when you're actually going through pregnancy and watching your body change daily. Yes, daily - stretch marks pop up overnight, new body aches appear, and you never know what's going to fit and what's not going to fit.
You're Growing Another Human
I want you to stop for a moment and think about what you're doing. Maybe you're eating a snack or listening to music while you read this post. No matter what you're doing, you're also growing another human when you're pregnant. Pregnancy is a full time job that you don't get to take a break from. It's also a rather remarkable job that not everyone gets to experience. When aches and restrictions are keeping you from your favorite activities, I want you to think about the little one growing inside of you and the nine extra months you get to bond with him or her before anyone else meets them.
Your Growing Body is Beautiful
There's a reason people enjoy seeing bump updates - they are a showcase of the transformation taking place inside of you. It's true that your body will never be the same as it was before but that doesn't mean it won't be beautiful. In fact, you may find that you have an entirely new beauty after your baby is born. We are typically our own worst critics. I learned this when I casually mentioned my stretch marks to my husband one day and he told me that he found them attractive. I wasn't looking for a compliment - he offered this one up all on his own. It honestly never occurred to me that my body might be attractive to him, but it makes sense - I am carrying his baby after all.
Some of the Changes are Temporary
Sure you're going to have lingering changes, but not all of them will linger. Eventually, you'll be holding a baby in your arms instead of on the inside. This will cause your body to change shape once again. Some of the changes may linger (like the stretch marks), but that doesn't mean all of them will. In fact, you may just find yourself missing a few of the changes in a couple of years (the increased bust...).
Treat Yourself Well
Sometimes we get down on ourselves because we forget to show ourselves some love. That's why it's important to practice self care when you're pregnant. In fact, I'd venture to say it's even more important because soon your attention is going to be focused on taking care of a little one. That being said, here's five quick ways to show yourself some love:
1. Shave your legs. It may take longer than it once it did, but clean shaven legs can make you feel a bit like yourself again.
2. Stay hydrated. Our bodies function best when they are getting enough water. I recommend finding a pretty water bottle to keep with you at all times. (Just be careful if it's glass...pregnancy can make you clumsy and dropping that bottle can get messy!)
3. Read a book. This one seems so simple but it's something that you might not have time for once your little one arrives. Take some time now to read a book that you love.
4. Sleep. Depending on the trimester, this is probably something you feel like doing all the time. (First and third trimester were my "sleepy" trimesters.) I know you're busy and you don't always feel like you can take time to simply sleep but sometimes you need to listen to your body.
5. Enjoy a favorite hobby. Take some time to enjoy your favorite hobby. Just like with the reading, you're going to have a little less time for this in the near future. (Don't worry - I've been told the baby stage doesn't last forever!) Why not take time during pregnancy to enjoy a little extra time on your hobby?
When it comes down to it, our bodies are going to change during pregnancy whether we like it or not. There's not really anything we can do to prevent it. In fact, a changing body means that a baby is growing inside of you which is ultimately what we want. Take some time to embrace the changes and realize that they are only a small fraction of who you are as a person.
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